Long awaited vintage has arrived

Long awaited vintage has arrived

This morning the long expected wines from AF Gros arrived at our warehouse! For some time now we have been hearing reports that the legendary vintage 2015 is expected to even exceed the quality of the 2003! ## This morning the shipment of A.F. Gros 2015, our own import wine, arrived at our warehouse. All of us have been looking forward to this with anticipation, because we have heard nothing but good about the Bourgogne vintage 2015.

A.F. Gros was founded in 1988 and is now widely spread throughout the Cote d'Or. The trademark of their wines is the delicacy and subtleness their wines seem to naturally possess. The 2015 vintage has been extremely good, especially in Vosne Romanée. The Bourgogne experienced a very mild spring without any frost or hailstorms and especially the summer has been an almost perfect combination of a hot and sunny July, with the right amount of rain in August. Though the yield was relatively low this year (about 20% below average) the wines that are produced are absolutely stunning. Full of fruits, the right amount of acidity.

We are most certainly going to drink one of these bottles this week! Keep an eye on this blog to discover our tasting notes.


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