Whiskies from Four Roses

Four Roses

A warm and sweet American bourbon known for its character full of flavors of caramel, spices and vanilla, Four Roses Bourbon is rightfully to be one of the bestselling American Bourbon brands in the world. One of the most well-known releases deriving from this distillery is the Four Roses Single Barrel, and with the annual special releases such as the Four Roses Small Batch releases, Four Roses Bourbon is much loved by both die-hard whisky collectors and entry-level drinkers.

Numerous urban legends evolve around the origins of the Four Roses Distillery, therefore it’s uncertain to give any secure approach to where the history of this American distillery has all started. It’s most likely that the Four Roses Distillery was established somewhere around the midst of the 19th century, and according to the distillers at Four Roses the distillery was founded by one Paul Jones. The story has been told that the woman that Paul Jones loved so deeply, wore a gown with four roses on the corset during the night Paul Jones proposed to her. Therefore the distillery was named Four Roses, as a reflection of his devoted love and dedication to the one and only woman of his dreams.

The Four Roses Distillery was acquired by Seagram in 1943 and expanded to become the market leader in both the United States, Europe and Asia. After more than six thriving decades, the distillery was sold to the Kirin brewery Company in Tokyo and has continued on its successful path of producing American bourbon, or like the real whisky critics would say: American whiskey. Since 2015 the Four Roses Distillery is producing under the command of master distiller Brent Elliot, who has been working with the distillery’s former master distiller Jim Rutledge for more than a decade.

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Four Roses
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